What is Facebook
Facebook is a social networking website that you can use to communicate with your family or friends and share anything very easily. Originally created for college students, Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 when he was admitted to Harvard University. was By 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid email address could join Facebook. Today Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with more than 5 billion users worldwide.
Why use Facebook
Have you ever wondered why people like to use Facebook? After all, there are already many ways to communicate online, such as email and instant messaging. But there are other means of communication, the best being Facebook. Facebook has more power to connect and share with the people you love very quickly.
For many people having a Facebook account is now a part of being online, Much like your own email. And since Facebook is such a popular application, Other websites are working to integrate with Facebook, meaning you can use a Facebook account to sign in to various services across the web.
How does Facebook sharing work
Facebook allows you to keep in touch with friends and family, send messages, update status, and post. You can also share different types of products like photos and links. But Facebook is a little different from other forms of online communication in sharing something. Unlike email and instant messaging, which are relatively private, the things you share on Facebook are public, meaning they can be seen by other people in general.
How to Create a Facebook account:
- Search to www.facebook.com in your web browser.
- Under the words Sign Up, enter your personal information and desired password, then click Sign Up.
3. You can then follow the directions on the screen to find friends, upload a profile picture, learn about privacy settings, and more.
*Before you can access all of Facebook’s features, you’ll need to confirm your email address. To do this, sign in to your email account, open the confirmation message from Facebook, and click Confirm Your Account.
The homepage
The homepage appears whenever you sign in to Facebook. The homepage displays your News Feed, which shows the things your friends have shared on Facebook. The homepage also allows you to navigate to other parts of Facebook, such as your Timeline.
The Timeline
The Timeline (also called your profile page) is where you’ll share information about yourself. Whenever you post an update, it appears on your Timeline. Your friends can also share posts on your Timeline.
Facebook for Android
Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about using Facebook for Android.
Facebook for iPhone
Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about using Facebook for iPhone.