Welcome to PaidViewpoint, one of the top-rated consumer insights communities. We have been operating since 2011. We offer cash payments via PayPal for taking short surveys. No points, no tickets—just cash for your time.
What Is PaidViewpoint?
Every time you take a survey or a Trait Score survey, you earn dollars. You can see the dollars in your PaidViewpoint.com account right away. Then, you can have this cash paid out through PayPal, the only payout method. You get paid via PayPal. You have to make $15 before you can request a payout.
What can I do to maximize my income on PaidViewpoint?
PV limits the total number of market research surveys each member can answer each month. We follow the best practices of organizations like The Insights Association and ESOMAR. This ensures the highest quality standards for both our respondents (you) and our market research clients. For example, if people ask you 10 times a week what is most important to you when you buy cereal (nutrition, price, package, taste, etc..), you develop a skewed perception of the issue. You start thinking like a market researcher or cereal manufacturer, not a normal consumer. So, we want you to stay exactly who you are – a healthy and happy consumer. We don’t want to overwhelm you with too many questions. We offer more income opportunities to members with higher TraitScores. The range of surveys PV members can answer each month is higher for these members. The pay-per-survey is also higher based on your TraitScore.
How can I collect my earnings?
We make all cash-out payments through PayPal or our partner Virtual Incentives, without any exceptions. Currently, PayPal permits sending money to more than 200 countries and territories. We apologize if you live in a country that PayPal doesn’t serve. The threshold required to qualify for cash out is only USD 15. Once you reach that level, your account’s cash-out button becomes functional. After you click “cash out”, we will process your request. You can expect to see the funds in your PayPal account within 72 hours. If the money does not appear by then, please contact us at support[at]paidviewpoint[dot]com. Members with high trait scores and good standing with PaidViewpoint are eligible for lower redemption thresholds after their first redemption. After their first redemption, these eligible members may redeem their rewards at a $10 threshold. All following redemptions will have a $5 threshold, as long as they remain in good standing. PaidViewpoint reserves the right to increase cash out thresholds back to the initial $15 for any member at any time, for any or no reason.
How many PaidViewpoint accounts can I have?
There is a strict limit of one PaidViewpoint account per person. Market researchers only want one opinion per person in a survey. Creating more than one account not only risks harming the research client. It cheats the whole community of survey takers at PV. PaidViewpoint has many checks built into the system to thwart hackers, bots, and cheaters. Anyone breaking the rules will have their account canceled. There is zero tolerance for operating more than one account.
Why do you need my phone number?
When you confirm your account with your phone and then again at the first cash out, you help prevent someone from stealing your earnings. Additionally, validating your phone number is one method our system uses. It enforces the one-account-per-member rule.
Can I change my PayPal email address?
You can change your registered PayPal email address at any time. But, if you change your PayPal email address, the system will zero your account cash balance. Or, you can freeze your earnings for 180 days. This helps prevent people from attempting to break the rules. It also helps prevent people from operating more than one PaidViewpoint account. Only change your registered PayPal email address after cashing out. Do this when your account balance is back to zero. If you have changed your registered PayPal email address, you can change it back to the original email address at any time. Another member cannot use a PayPal email address that has been before used by any member.