Important information about Bitstamp Exchange

Bitstamp Exchange is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, initially established in 2011. Bitstamp holds 50 licenses and registrations globally, the platform is available in 100 countries.

What is Bitstamp Exchange?

Users can use debit or credit cards, ACH transfers, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and international bank transfers to purchase cryptocurrencies.

Bitstamp Exchange?

Yes, it’s safe, because Bitstamp holds over 50 licenses and registrations globally.

Is Bitstamp safe?

The exchange keeps 98% of assets offline in cold crypto storage. Bitstamp has around 4 Million active users worldwide.

Bitstamp Exchange safety?

JB Graftieaux is the co-founder and CEO of Bitstamp Exchange. The company’s was founded in Kranj, Slovenia, by Damian Merlak and Nejc Kodrič in August 2011.

Who is the owner of Bitstamp?

While Bitstamp is available in 100 countries, some jurisdictions restrict or prohibit access due to regulatory reasons.

Bitstamp Exchange Restricted Country

CMC Score : 7.2 Out Of 10

Weekly Visits : 296k+

Supported Coins : 79

Bitstamp user report 

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